Thursday, July 5, 2012

Choosing Your King

I spent a good part of my day yesterday celebrating our country's independence and the freedom with which God has blessed us. Despite the extreme heat, celebrations rang out from the Canfield 4th of July parade to backyard cookouts all over the Mahoning Valley. For it was during the summer of 1776 that a group of colonists declared independence from Great Britain and King George III. Among other things, these colonies were ready for new leadership.

As you know, we've been teaching through the book of 1 Samuel this summer - and one of the primary themes of the book is the need for good and godly leadership in the nation of Israel. We have come to the point in our story where Samuel is on back half of his career, placing Israel at yet another leadership crossroads. We will see that the solution they propose is quite revealing; they ask Samuel to appoint them a king. What will this process of leadership selection reveal about God's people? What will it reveal about us? These are the questions we will seek to answer this Sunday.

Until then, why don't you take a look at 1 Samuel 7, which will lay a good foundation for our study of chapter 8 on Sunday morning.  Stay cool and I'll see you then!
