Have you been wondering about what's happening with the Water Well and Church project in Africa? Have you been waiting to see how and when you can participate in the needs of Japan? Then make sure you are here on Sunday. We'll tell you what opportunities are available for help, and we'll pray for Carol Perkins as she prepares to head to Africa for a month.
Don't forget to pray for the Sportsman's Dinner on Saturday as many friends from outside Old North will be here. Each year, Steve Scott leads one of our best outreach events and has built a reputation for using his avocation for hunting to tell people about Jesus. Pray that God uses Saturday's event in a mighty way! And finally- if you haven't heard by now- last week, we voted to invite Cyle Young to be our next Children's Pastor. Cyle and Patty have already found a house and will begin here working with Steve on April 4th.
God is working in some incredible ways and He invites us every week to be Partners in the Gospel, so I'm looking forward to telling you more about that on Sunday!