Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baptism and Fullness

One of the books I’ve been reading this month is Baptism and Fullness by John Stott.  Bill Barnes (one of our elders) graciously gave a copy to each of the elders and pastors so we have the opportunity to study it together.  I wanted to pass along what I thought was a very cool excerpt from pp. 74-75:

“It is very striking that the first evidence of being filled with the Spirit is that we speak to each other.  Yet it is not surprising since the first fruit of the Spirit is love.  However deep and intimate our communion with God may seem, we cannot claim the fullness of the Spirit if we are not on speaking terms with any of our fellows. The first sign of fullness is fellowship.”

It seems simple, doesn’t it?  Simply speaking to each other? Sharing concerns, asking for advice, being encouragers and connecting with each other?  So many times we have thought that the filling of His Spirit becomes something supernatural or extraordinary when Ephesians 5:19-21 gives us such a natural outcome and ordinary responsibility.  As a matter of fact, you might want to spend some time in the rest of the passage seeing the three other evidences of that filling - because they all continue to reiterate what the Lord has been teaching us throughout the month of June.

Let’s continue this summer in unity, order, and authority as we exalt Jesus and live in obedience to His word

Brent Allen

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