Monday, September 20, 2010

What's in a Word?

I don’t know if I just dreamed it up or not, but I think someone once said, “What’s in a word?” and the answer is lots! Words conjure up memories, hopes, dreams and desires and the same word can mean different things to each of us. Words like, “fun,” “scary,” and “weird” all mean different things and evoke different emotions. But enough of that.

I do know that someone once told me, “Choose your words carefully because someday you might have to eat them.” So today, I am eating a few words. Specifically “traditional,” “blended,” and “contemporary.” Years ago, we thought it was so cool to call our services by those names. To some extent, they worked for us, but they also worked against us. We not only have different definitions of the words themselves, but different dreams and desires associated with them.

So that’s why we’re going to do our best to stop using those words to describe our Sunday Worship Services. As a matter of fact, we’re not even having two different kinds right now, but the same music and message at both 9:30 and 11:00 that simply exalts Jesus and teaches truth. It’s been great seeing the results of that through the end of summer and now as we enter Fall, each week will give us a chance to grow and understand what corporate worship and corporate learning is all about.

Let’s eat a few words, and find nourishment in Jesus - the Living Word!

Brent Allen

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