Thursday, October 27, 2011

Family Functions

It's great to be writing to you this week, as Pastor Brent travels south for a meeting with some of our pastors and partners from Converge Mid-Atlantic. In preparation for this email, I started to reflect on the blessing of our relationship with Converge Worldwide (aka the Baptist General Conference). Some may not be aware of our affiliation with this movement, so I thought I'd give you some details.

•Converge is "a movement of churches working together to strengthen and start more churches

•Their mission is "to multiply transformational leaders and churches" through the key strategies of: spiritual growth, church planting, church mobilization, leadership development, compassion, missions, and generous living.

•Converge Worldwide is comprised of about 1,150 churches across the United States

•The national movement is divided into regions, including the Mid-Atlantic region, of which Old North is a part

Our affiliation and partnership with Converge illustrates the blessing and importance of connecting with God's people on a corporate level. Old North is truly part of something bigger than itself, while at the same time functioning as a unique local church that God has gifted for gospel ministry.

Speaking of functions within the church, we're going to study a passage of Scripture this week that deals with a similar issue. This text from 1 Timothy is arguably one of the most difficult passages in the Bible; I'm glad Pastor Brent will be back by Sunday to lead us through it! God has made us part of his family and as such, He has given us all a unique and particular function in order that the church may be built up and the gospel advanced.

I'll see you on Sunday!


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