I want to thank you for the blessing of the past three months. Your encouragement and work to allow this sabbatical has given me the opportunity to study, travel, do some ministry, and best of all- organize and dream about several aspects of life. The combination of the sabbatical with the personal things that have happened in the last couple of years have made this the most unique summer of my life.
On a purely practical level: I was able to go through files, sort through sermons, and revisit some of the times of teaching I've done as well as getting them organized for the future. Lori and I spend more time together and apart than we ever have and as I mentioned Sunday we covered a lot of territory both in and outside of the United States.
On Sunday we also began a new study in the book of Hebrews called "Choosing God's Best." We decided to not only evaluate our faith, but examine our lives as we learn about Jesus together this Fall- so you'll want to be here Sunday as we continue.
Also on Sunday beginning at 4:00 we'll have our Fall Kick-Off picnic followed by "Praise-Apella" in the Worship Center at 6:00. Lori and I'll be here at 4:00 and would love to catch up with you about our summers- so bring a dessert or salad- come to enjoy some burgers and dogs...and Lord willing...
I'll see you Sunday!
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