Thursday, November 1, 2012

Prayer and Giving

What a week this has been!  The Children of the World blessed us on Sunday morning and Sunday Evening.  Stan and Lori Wallace challenged us toward a global perspective to share the gospel.  Hundreds of shoeboxes were taken for Operation Christmas Child and on Wednesday; Trunk or Treat hosted close to 1,000 people- many from the community here that had good questions about the church.

In the midst of those acts of service and blessing, Hurricane Sandy devastated homes and lives throughout the East Coast.  Our hearts ache for those who have lost so much and as we pray in these days for our country and the upcoming elections; please pray for the people whose lives have been devastated.
In order to help, Converge Worldwide has set up a fund that will be administered through our Northeast District.  This Sunday, during our benevolent fund offering, any money that is not designated to Old North will go to the Superstorm Sandy Relief Efforts.  You can also donate online at Converge World Relief:: Superstorm Sandy Relief.

AND- as we prepare to study Hebrews 7 on Sunday, don't forget to turn your clocks BACK on Saturday night.

Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday,


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