Thursday, December 27, 2012

Life After Love

I'm writing this morning from a winter wonderland on Herbert Road. I imagine that's true of wherever you find yourself today, as we were hit with quite a snow storm over the last 24 hours. I know my kids are ready for some sled riding!

This Sunday we'll be wrapping up our study of the book of 1 John. And in the final chapter of John's letter, we'll take a look at life after love - or perhaps more appropriately, life after "Give Love". What does it mean to live in light of the love God has shown us in Christ? Is it possible to really know that we possess eternal life? What does this kind of life look like and how can we experience it to the fullest? These are the kind questions we'll be tackling this Sunday morning.

In preparation for Sunday, why don't you review the book of 1 John through the remainder of the week. Read a chapter or two with your spouse. Ask some questions of the text. Talk about it with your kids or family members that may still be in town for the holidays. 

Lastly, I'd like to thank you again for your support and participation of this year's "Give Love" Christmas campaign. Whether it was ringing the salvation army bell, caroling for our shut-ins, or donating to support Old North's ongoing ministry in Belize, you really stepped up to show our community and our world the love of Jesus.

With that, let's keep going - let's keep loving - and let's keep living to the glory of God and the good of others. See you Sunday!


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