Thursday, November 29, 2012

$59.1 Billion

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over and the results are in- Americans spent 59.1 billion dollars in four days.  I'm told that is up 13% from last year. It's amazing to me how our psyche switches from a family day of thanksgiving for what we have to buying the next amount of things that we want!

I could mention "Cyber-Monday" and "Giving Tuesday"- both of which reminds me of the continued faithfulness of our stewardship.  No matter what we bought, need or want; there is still to be a priority of giving that is commanded according to our earnings and always to progress as God blesses us.

So as you faithfully give to Old North Church in December, please consider a special gift to our "Give Love" projects in Cincinnati and Belize.  Use the envelopes that were sent you this month, mark your gift here accordingly, or use our online giving now available on our web site.

I pray that as the Advent begins this Sunday, December 2nd- so will a new excitement about serving and giving to further the Kingdom of Christ.

"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign; The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel."   -Isaiah 7:14


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