Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Cause and Cure of a Guilty Conscience

I just checked out a very strange You-Tube video. Its premise was that the only true sin that exists is guilt and everything else is fine.  It was done in such a way that played right into the selfishness and self centeredness of anyone who wants to deny the reality of what the Bible says is sin. Frankly, it was sad and gross.

I watched it because that's what we're going to be talking about on Sunday- the reality of sin and guilt and the need for complete trust in Jesus as our only Savior.  We'll study Hebrews 9 and 10 and speak directly about the claims of the gospel. It would be a great Sunday for you to invite someone who is asking questions about the Faith.  It would be a wonderful chance for you to reach out to someone who does not know the Lord.  Please pray that God will bring some people to Himself this week.

Also this Sunday, church planters Aron and Erica Kirk, will be with us and share briefly about their desire to start a new church and the needs they have to do it.
We'll be talking more about our "Give Love" Project that begins in December and we'll continue to thank you for your Generosity. A good offering was received Sunday night for the Rescue Mission, hundreds of Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes have been packed, and food is being transported to Operation Blessing today as I write this message.

Thank you for all you do for Christ and His Kingdom.  Let's continue with Thanksgiving and Joy- and Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday.


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