Thursday, December 20, 2012

As December Comes to a Close

Little did any of us know last week at this time, that there would be an awful series of shootings in Newtown, Connecticut.   We've watched the news, we've heard the stories, and we've hugged our children cognizant again of the darkness of this world.

And yet, at this time of year, we not only look for, but try to live in the light of Christ.
We've been "Giving Love"- in the fashion of good deeds to help other people.  We've been looking for ways to make a difference in peoples' lives; and in the future of eternity we will find if our works and words have brought people to faith.

This Sunday, beginning the fourth week of advent, we will look at I John as well as two  gospel accounts of Christ's birth.  We'll sing and pray and trust that God in His grace will continue to redeem this wicked world.  Then Christmas Eve, at 7:00 and 9:00 PM we'll have time to gather with our church family and celebrate our Savior's birth.

Lori and I wish you a very blessed Christmas and New Year.

In His love,

"Do not be afraid for I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.   Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord."
                                                                                    -Luke 2:11-12

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