Friday, January 25, 2013

Looking at Jesus

This Sunday during our morning services, we will be studying one of my favorite passages of scripture.  It is Hebrews 12:1-2 and reminds us how important it is to keep our eyes on Jesus.  There are so many directions to look in life.  There are many distractions to our faith- but simply looking at Jesus and following His example will help us prioritize the demands of our lives.   Please take some time to review Hebrews 11 before Sunday.  It taught us that faith does work, it waits for God’s timing, and it ultimately gives us victory.

As January comes to a close, please remember to pray for us as staff and elders as we have faith in the Lord to bring us an Interim Senior Pastor.   Last Sunday as Tom Gacse, Ted Miller and I shared with you the direction the Lord has led us, we ask you to join in prayer and fasting as we find the man who will lead us in this interim period.

Please continue to pray for our Upward Basketball season.  We have about 650 children involved in this Outreach Ministry that teaches spiritual lessons of life and character as well as athletic skills.  Pray for Pastor Ryan and his team of coaches and leaders and that there will be many families who see Jesus.   That’s our goal- to Introduce People to Him.

Lord willing, I’ll see you Sunday!


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