Thursday, January 17, 2013

Working and Waiting

Thank you for the good words about how your FAITH is working and waiting.  In the last couple of weeks since we began to study Hebrews 11 together, I’ve received a number of notes and letters telling me how God is providing and blessing through times of difficulty.

The joy of these messages is that there have been positive answers to prayers and the FAITH  to work and wait, has been well worth it.  

Only you know how strong your FAITH is.  You are the one who can determine what you will do with the confidence and conviction you have in God.  So I pray that as we gather this week, we’ll be able to remove any of the obstacles in our own lives that are keeping us from living victorious lives of FAITH.

As you plan for the weekend, make a decision to come to one of our Discipleship Classes that can help you grow in your FAITH.  They’re listed below, they have teachers who would love to care for you and help you connect with others, and you might just learn something…about FAITH!


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