Thursday, February 21, 2013


This Sunday we'll spend our fourth week together in Hebrews 12. I've enjoyed studying it and sharing it with you. As we began with just the first two verses, we learned that life is like a marathon race.
It is essential to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, and to also trust God as He trains us. We talked about dealing with the conflict that can arise in life and this week we'll see the results.
This week, we'll finish the chapter and learn that, as we run the marathon of life successfully we become holy people of integrity.   I realize that holiness looks differently to some people than others, but I look forward to teaching you that God tailors our robes of holiness to help us meet the demands of reality.
So please read the entire chapter of Hebrews 12 a couple of times this weekend, join us Sunday, and plan to come back Sunday night for the "Night at the Well" evening of music and worship at 6:30 PM.
Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday, February 24, 2013

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