Thursday, December 27, 2012
Life After Love
I'm writing this morning from a winter wonderland on Herbert Road. I imagine that's true of wherever you find yourself today, as we were hit with quite a snow storm over the last 24 hours. I know my kids are ready for some sled riding!
This Sunday we'll be wrapping up our study of the book of 1 John. And in the final chapter of John's letter, we'll take a look at life after love - or perhaps more appropriately, life after "Give Love". What does it mean to live in light of the love God has shown us in Christ? Is it possible to really know that we possess eternal life? What does this kind of life look like and how can we experience it to the fullest? These are the kind questions we'll be tackling this Sunday morning.
In preparation for Sunday, why don't you review the book of 1 John through the remainder of the week. Read a chapter or two with your spouse. Ask some questions of the text. Talk about it with your kids or family members that may still be in town for the holidays.
Lastly, I'd like to thank you again for your support and participation of this year's "Give Love" Christmas campaign. Whether it was ringing the salvation army bell, caroling for our shut-ins, or donating to support Old North's ongoing ministry in Belize, you really stepped up to show our community and our world the love of Jesus.
With that, let's keep going - let's keep loving - and let's keep living to the glory of God and the good of others. See you Sunday!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
As December Comes to a Close
Little did any of us know last week at this time, that there would be an awful series of shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. We've watched the news, we've heard the stories, and we've hugged our children cognizant again of the darkness of this world.
And yet, at this time of year, we not only look for, but try to live in the light of Christ.
We've been "Giving Love"- in the fashion of good deeds to help other people. We've been looking for ways to make a difference in peoples' lives; and in the future of eternity we will find if our works and words have brought people to faith.
This Sunday, beginning the fourth week of advent, we will look at I John as well as two gospel accounts of Christ's birth. We'll sing and pray and trust that God in His grace will continue to redeem this wicked world. Then Christmas Eve, at 7:00 and 9:00 PM we'll have time to gather with our church family and celebrate our Savior's birth.
Lori and I wish you a very blessed Christmas and New Year.
In His love,
"Do not be afraid for I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord."
-Luke 2:11-12
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Giving Love
Last Sunday, I shared with you that I've been invited to become the District Executive Minister for the Converge Northeast, one of the districts of our denomination, The Baptist General Conference. It has been a wonderful and challenging journey that the Lord as put before Lori and me; and I want to thank you for the love you have given to us in this past week. Thank you for your encouragement, your notes, calls and support. The relationships we share with you are the greatest of blessings to us, and I'm glad they don't have to end anytime soon.
I'll be preaching almost every Sunday through the end of April and I look forward to sharing with you what the Lord is doing. Thanks also for your prayers as we sell our house here, pack, and find a new home in Connecticut. If you weren't here perhaps you'll want to check out the podcast from last week on our Old North website to hear more of the story I shared.
This Sunday, Mark Leger and I will update you further about the months ahead. It is also the third week of Advent and we'll update you on the details of our "Give Love" projects. As a matter of fact, Pastor Cyle Young has put together a video we're attaching for those of you who will helping your children send Christmas cards to their school teachers.
Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday!
I'll be preaching almost every Sunday through the end of April and I look forward to sharing with you what the Lord is doing. Thanks also for your prayers as we sell our house here, pack, and find a new home in Connecticut. If you weren't here perhaps you'll want to check out the podcast from last week on our Old North website to hear more of the story I shared.
This Sunday, Mark Leger and I will update you further about the months ahead. It is also the third week of Advent and we'll update you on the details of our "Give Love" projects. As a matter of fact, Pastor Cyle Young has put together a video we're attaching for those of you who will helping your children send Christmas cards to their school teachers.
Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Second Sunday of Advent
Since I've written to you last; the Advent Dinner for residents of the Rescue Mission has taken place, our Dominican Republic Team has returned safely, and the church has been beautifully decorated by Sue Trebilcock and many other volunteers. Thank you!
Now on Sunday evening we get a chance to see what our kids have been preparing to share with us: "The Light Has Come". It is a wonderful Christmas musical, by Old North's Children and Youth Choir led by Krista Hosler. Please join them here at 6:00 PM and encourage our kids.
On Sunday morning, we'll be studying part of I John 2, and have a reminder from our Belize team about the need to give generously to that ministry. Thank you to those who have already contributed to the "Give Love" offering- and please join with us if you haven't.
There are many competing priorities this time of year, as I mentioned to you last week- but Jesus must come first. I look forward to lighting the second candle of Advent on Sunday and sharing with you some important things that the Lord has been showing us.
Lord willing, I'll see you then,
"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days." -Micah 5:2
Thursday, November 29, 2012
$59.1 Billion
Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over and the results are in- Americans spent 59.1 billion dollars in four days. I'm told that is up 13% from last year. It's amazing to me how our psyche switches from a family day of thanksgiving for what we have to buying the next amount of things that we want!
I could mention "Cyber-Monday" and "Giving Tuesday"- both of which reminds me of the continued faithfulness of our stewardship. No matter what we bought, need or want; there is still to be a priority of giving that is commanded according to our earnings and always to progress as God blesses us.
So as you faithfully give to Old North Church in December, please consider a special gift to our "Give Love" projects in Cincinnati and Belize. Use the envelopes that were sent you this month, mark your gift here accordingly, or use our online giving now available on our web site.
I pray that as the Advent begins this Sunday, December 2nd- so will a new excitement about serving and giving to further the Kingdom of Christ.
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign; The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel." -Isaiah 7:14
Stay Connected!
There are so many ways to stay connected to what's happening at Old North. Please visit us on the web, blog, Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, or YouTube for all the latest ministry news and highlights!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Cause and Cure of a Guilty Conscience
I just checked out a very strange You-Tube video. Its premise was that the only true sin that exists is guilt and everything else is fine. It was done in such a way that played right into the selfishness and self centeredness of anyone who wants to deny the reality of what the Bible says is sin. Frankly, it was sad and gross.
I watched it because that's what we're going to be talking about on Sunday- the reality of sin and guilt and the need for complete trust in Jesus as our only Savior. We'll study Hebrews 9 and 10 and speak directly about the claims of the gospel. It would be a great Sunday for you to invite someone who is asking questions about the Faith. It would be a wonderful chance for you to reach out to someone who does not know the Lord. Please pray that God will bring some people to Himself this week.
Also this Sunday, church planters Aron and Erica Kirk, will be with us and share briefly about their desire to start a new church and the needs they have to do it.
We'll be talking more about our "Give Love" Project that begins in December and we'll continue to thank you for your Generosity. A good offering was received Sunday night for the Rescue Mission, hundreds of Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes have been packed, and food is being transported to Operation Blessing today as I write this message.
Thank you for all you do for Christ and His Kingdom. Let's continue with Thanksgiving and Joy- and Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Prayer and Giving
What a week this has been! The Children of the World blessed us on Sunday morning and Sunday Evening. Stan and Lori Wallace challenged us toward a global perspective to share the gospel. Hundreds of shoeboxes were taken for Operation Christmas Child and on Wednesday; Trunk or Treat hosted close to 1,000 people- many from the community here that had good questions about the church.
In the midst of those acts of service and blessing, Hurricane Sandy devastated homes and lives throughout the East Coast. Our hearts ache for those who have lost so much and as we pray in these days for our country and the upcoming elections; please pray for the people whose lives have been devastated.
In order to help, Converge Worldwide has set up a fund that will be administered through our Northeast District. This Sunday, during our benevolent fund offering, any money that is not designated to Old North will go to the Superstorm Sandy Relief Efforts. You can also donate online at Converge World Relief:: Superstorm Sandy Relief.
AND- as we prepare to study Hebrews 7 on Sunday, don't forget to turn your clocks BACK on Saturday night.
Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday,
Friday, October 19, 2012
Let's Look Closely at Ourselves
As I've been praying for our country I've been reflecting on a couple sins. Not glamorous glitzy ones, but two that are probably the root of many of our problems: pride and selfishness. These twins are responsible for so much of what is wrong in our country, our community, our church and our lives. It is because of these that battles are fought and people are killed. They probably keep the Republicans and Democrats from making good decisions together. They are often responsible for marriages that fail, children who leave, and relationships that are ruined. They cause conflict within and outside of us- and unfortunately the most mature of us can become prey to their evil.
So, I'm wondering what would happen if we looked within ourselves this week to think how guilty we are of pride or selfishness. If we find ourselves angry, or hurt, or withdrawn or unconcerned; it could really be because we won't admit our own desire to be right or at least appear more righteous than someone else.
That confession is good preparation for Hebrews 5 and 6 this Sunday- so please take a look at yourself, honestly, introspectively, and ask if you might be more concerned about yourself and your needs than Jesus and His will.
Lord willing, I'll see you Sunday.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Back to School

I want to thank you for the blessing of the past three months. Your encouragement and work to allow this sabbatical has given me the opportunity to study, travel, do some ministry, and best of all- organize and dream about several aspects of life. The combination of the sabbatical with the personal things that have happened in the last couple of years have made this the most unique summer of my life.
On a purely practical level: I was able to go through files, sort through sermons, and revisit some of the times of teaching I've done as well as getting them organized for the future. Lori and I spend more time together and apart than we ever have and as I mentioned Sunday we covered a lot of territory both in and outside of the United States.
On Sunday we also began a new study in the book of Hebrews called "Choosing God's Best." We decided to not only evaluate our faith, but examine our lives as we learn about Jesus together this Fall- so you'll want to be here Sunday as we continue.
Also on Sunday beginning at 4:00 we'll have our Fall Kick-Off picnic followed by "Praise-Apella" in the Worship Center at 6:00. Lori and I'll be here at 4:00 and would love to catch up with you about our summers- so bring a dessert or salad- come to enjoy some burgers and dogs...and Lord willing...
I'll see you Sunday!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Turning the Corner

Before we turn the corner on this summer, get our kids back to school, launch fall programming, and excitedly welcome back Pastor Brent from Sabbatical, I want to again reiterate my thanks to the entire body of Christ for a wonderful season here at Old North. On behalf of all our pastors and staff, we have greatly appreciated your prayers, attentiveness, support, and encouragement through these summer months. I look back on this summer with fondness and gratitude, as we have linked arms together to advance the gospel and live out our values in the community.
With that said, we are excited to move forward into the fall with more Christ-centered ministry. Sunday mornings will be in full swing beginning on September 9th with the launch of Discipleship University and full programming for our kids. Wednesday evenings will take a new shape, as we not only offer our dynamic AWANA program but expand Discipleship University to parents and adults. Last but certainly not least, we are anticipating Pastor Brent's return from Sabbatical, which brings with it a new Sunday morning teaching series through the book of Hebrews called "Choosing God's Best".
Thanks again for a great summer - I'll see you Sunday morning!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Resources for the 21st Century Christian
One of my favorite things to do as a pastor is to share a hot cup of coffee and lively conversation with folks from our church around God's word. A recent conversation brought to light the importance of equipping the church with faithful and helpful resources for growth in Christian maturity.
The discussion centered specifically on resources that would help us establish a Biblical worldview, understand modern apologetics, answer difficult and contemporary objections to Christianity, apply our faith in popular culture, and other similar topics. This blog is one small attempt to help meet this need. A few resources that I have found to be particularly helpful on these issues include:
The discussion centered specifically on resources that would help us establish a Biblical worldview, understand modern apologetics, answer difficult and contemporary objections to Christianity, apply our faith in popular culture, and other similar topics. This blog is one small attempt to help meet this need. A few resources that I have found to be particularly helpful on these issues include:
- "The Reason for God" by Timothy Keller
- "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis
- "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel
- The Gospel Coalition website at
Interestingly enough, The Gospel Coalition posted a blog just last evening from pastor and author Timothy Keller (noted above) entitled, "In Defense of Apologetics". Here's the link if you're interested in the article:
I also touched base with a few of our resident experts at Old North and asked for their recommendations on authors, books, studies, and other relevant resources that would be helpful to our church. Here are some of their favorites:
I also touched base with a few of our resident experts at Old North and asked for their recommendations on authors, books, studies, and other relevant resources that would be helpful to our church. Here are some of their favorites:
- "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell
- "Christ and Culture Revisited" by D.A. Carson
- "Scaling the Secular City" by J.P Moreland
- Other authors: G.K. Chesterton, Francis Shaeffer, David Wells, Albert Mohler, Chuck Colson, and Ravi Zacharias
These resources should give you a good start in learning about important subjects like apologetics and Christ in popular culture. So take a few minutes this week to grab a coffee, pick up a new book, and dive in to some helpful material.
See you Sunday!
See you Sunday!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Choosing Your King
I spent a good part of my day yesterday celebrating our country's independence and the freedom with which God has blessed us. Despite the extreme heat, celebrations rang out from the Canfield 4th of July parade to backyard cookouts all over the Mahoning Valley. For it was during the summer of 1776 that a group of colonists declared independence from Great Britain and King George III. Among other things, these colonies were ready for new leadership.
As you know, we've been teaching through the book of 1 Samuel this summer - and one of the primary themes of the book is the need for good and godly leadership in the nation of Israel. We have come to the point in our story where Samuel is on back half of his career, placing Israel at yet another leadership crossroads. We will see that the solution they propose is quite revealing; they ask Samuel to appoint them a king. What will this process of leadership selection reveal about God's people? What will it reveal about us? These are the questions we will seek to answer this Sunday.
Until then, why don't you take a look at 1 Samuel 7, which will lay a good foundation for our study of chapter 8 on Sunday morning. Stay cool and I'll see you then!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Looking for a Leader
If you joined us for worship last Sunday, you'll remember that we examined the sad and dark state of God's people in the book of Judges. Israel's apathy ultimately led to a destructive cycle of sin and disobedience to God's good word. The final verse of Judges states, "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
It is at this critical time in the life of God's people that we pick up our study this week in the book of 1 Samuel. Will God provide the leader that Israel so desperately needs? What is to become of the covenant that God made with Abraham so many years before? What applications from 1 Samuel can be made in our lives and in the life of our church? We will be looking at these and other questions throughout the summer as we study this remarkable book together.
Feel free to read through chapter one to get a head start on what we'll be learning this Sunday. The first chapter of 1 Samuel really sets the tone for the book, so I encourage you to join us at Old North this Sunday at 9:30am or 11:00am - and every week this summer, as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
See you then!
It is at this critical time in the life of God's people that we pick up our study this week in the book of 1 Samuel. Will God provide the leader that Israel so desperately needs? What is to become of the covenant that God made with Abraham so many years before? What applications from 1 Samuel can be made in our lives and in the life of our church? We will be looking at these and other questions throughout the summer as we study this remarkable book together.
Feel free to read through chapter one to get a head start on what we'll be learning this Sunday. The first chapter of 1 Samuel really sets the tone for the book, so I encourage you to join us at Old North this Sunday at 9:30am or 11:00am - and every week this summer, as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
See you then!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Breaking the Cycle of Sin
I've been looking for a couple of good jokes about apathy. I've checked the internet and I've asked some friends but there's not much out there. There's certainly good reason for that- because the truth is; apathy is no joke.
That's the convicting subject three of us will tackle together on Sunday from Judges 1-2. Marty, Chris and I will be teaching from that passage as we prepare for the summer series from I Samuel: "Looking for a Leader."
This is the Sunday that we'll honor our graduates in each service also. Pray for each grad when you receive their party invitations. Join with their families on Sunday as we trust the Lord to lead them in the next chapters of their lives and make each week a priority as we study God's Word together as a church.
"What's the difference between ignorance and apathy," someone asked. "I don't know and I don't care," was the response. I hope that doesn't describe you!
I'll see you Sunday,
That's the convicting subject three of us will tackle together on Sunday from Judges 1-2. Marty, Chris and I will be teaching from that passage as we prepare for the summer series from I Samuel: "Looking for a Leader."
This is the Sunday that we'll honor our graduates in each service also. Pray for each grad when you receive their party invitations. Join with their families on Sunday as we trust the Lord to lead them in the next chapters of their lives and make each week a priority as we study God's Word together as a church.
"What's the difference between ignorance and apathy," someone asked. "I don't know and I don't care," was the response. I hope that doesn't describe you!
I'll see you Sunday,
Monday, April 23, 2012
People of the Book, Part 2
As we prepare to wrap up the final weeks of our fiscal year, we get to remind ourselves of some of the good things that the Lord has done through Old North's ministry in the last twelve months.
I mentioned last week that our budget is posted and this Sunday you can talk to some members of our Finance Committee at 10:30 AM in the Great Room. You'll notice that our Missions Budget is increasing to $250,000 this year (more than 15% over last year's missions and outreach budget) and several other areas of ministry are prioritized as we anticipate your continued faithfulness and generosity.
Our 40 days of Bible reading is in full swing as we continue our Sunday Series, "People of the Book." This week we are going to ask and answer some major questions about God and life based on the passages you've been reading. Just in case you misplaced your bookmark here they are:
- David and Goliath: I Samuel 16-17
- Solomon's Wisdom I Kings 3; 8:1-9; 9
- Elijah and the Prophets of Baal I Kings 18
- The Siege of Jerusalem and Judah is Exiled II Kings 25
- Daniel in Babylon Daniel 2-3
- Rebuilding the Temple Ezra 3
- Isaiah's prophecy of the Coming Messiah Isaiah 9,53,61
Some of you have been giving bookmarks to friends and neighbors, so keep up the good work! Invite them to come on Sunday, and you'll also get to meet one of our international missionaries, Russ Dean who is stopping in for the weekend as well as Sally Dubinsky whom we love to see more often.
I'll see you Sunday,
I mentioned last week that our budget is posted and this Sunday you can talk to some members of our Finance Committee at 10:30 AM in the Great Room. You'll notice that our Missions Budget is increasing to $250,000 this year (more than 15% over last year's missions and outreach budget) and several other areas of ministry are prioritized as we anticipate your continued faithfulness and generosity.
Our 40 days of Bible reading is in full swing as we continue our Sunday Series, "People of the Book." This week we are going to ask and answer some major questions about God and life based on the passages you've been reading. Just in case you misplaced your bookmark here they are:
- David and Goliath: I Samuel 16-17
- Solomon's Wisdom I Kings 3; 8:1-9; 9
- Elijah and the Prophets of Baal I Kings 18
- The Siege of Jerusalem and Judah is Exiled II Kings 25
- Daniel in Babylon Daniel 2-3
- Rebuilding the Temple Ezra 3
- Isaiah's prophecy of the Coming Messiah Isaiah 9,53,61
Some of you have been giving bookmarks to friends and neighbors, so keep up the good work! Invite them to come on Sunday, and you'll also get to meet one of our international missionaries, Russ Dean who is stopping in for the weekend as well as Sally Dubinsky whom we love to see more often.
I'll see you Sunday,
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Preparing to Die
Sunday begins what is often called the "Passion Week." It begins with the commemoration of what happened as Christ entered the City of Jerusalem on March 30, 33, AD and ends with His death on the cross. It is a holy, important time for us as Christians.
This week, in addition to recalling his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, we are going to look carefully at what He accomplished by paying the penalty for our sin. Many people view the cross as a time of discouragement or destruction instead of the culmination of God's redemptive plan.
That said, please pray that people will hear and respond to the Gospel this Sunday. Pray for me as I put the final touches on teaching scripture from Luke 19-24 too, and look forward to being together with your church family in the ten days ahead.
We will celebrate communion on Good Friday here at 7:00 PM, and please remember that there will be three identical services on Easter Sunday- 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM.
May you be blessed greatly because of Jesus. I'll see you Sunday!
This week, in addition to recalling his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, we are going to look carefully at what He accomplished by paying the penalty for our sin. Many people view the cross as a time of discouragement or destruction instead of the culmination of God's redemptive plan.
That said, please pray that people will hear and respond to the Gospel this Sunday. Pray for me as I put the final touches on teaching scripture from Luke 19-24 too, and look forward to being together with your church family in the ten days ahead.
We will celebrate communion on Good Friday here at 7:00 PM, and please remember that there will be three identical services on Easter Sunday- 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM.
May you be blessed greatly because of Jesus. I'll see you Sunday!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Romance of Providence
The Romance of Providence
One of the things we've become much better at lately is greeting and welcoming those who are new at Old North. Pastor Rick Enlow and his teams of "vine-workers" are learning to extend themselves more graciously and genuinely than they ever have before. The "ministry of the pew" we learned about on February 19th is catching in many of our minds, and we're already getting some very positive response about the "spirit" of Old North moving closer toward that Christ-centered, multi-generational community of disciple-making disciples.
This Sunday, we get to say "good bye" and commission a very special couple from Old North for ministry at another fellowship in our community. We'll also begin a new three week sermon series from the book of Esther called "The Romance of Providence". Please check out Esther chapters 1-2 if you'd like to get a jump on our time in the Scriptures this weekend.
Oh and one more thing - don't forget to turn your clocks ahead Saturday night. I'll sleepily see you Sunday!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Tebow Trend
If you've been alive this week, you've surely heard the name Tim Tebow. He's the Denver Broncos quarterback who not only has had some incredible overtime wins this year- but with some very unique statistics, beat my Pittsburgh Steelers last Sunday.
Frankly- the Steelers played badly for most of the game- but in overtime, Tim threw an 80 yard pass that allowed the Broncos to win the game and continue their playoff run. Tim is a committed Christian. He has openly spoken about and sported the verse John 3:16 for years. Interestingly enough, he threw for 316 yards in Saturday's game. He set an NFL playoff record with 31.6 yards per completion and the Television ratings on CBS peaked between 8:00 and 8:15 with a rating of- you guessed it...31.6.
So what's this all about? Is it pure coincidence? Fate? Luck? Or God? Many of us have been talking about those options throughout the week and we'll talk about them Sunday morning- no matter what happens between the Broncos and the Patriots this Saturday night! There are some fascinating biblical lessons in every circumstance.
Speaking of Saturday night- remember that the new 50+ Primetime group meets here in the Great Room at 6:00. I hope you signed up for it, and will be with us as we find out how we can use the time and resources God has given us to make the most of this time of our lives.
I'll see you this weekend!
Frankly- the Steelers played badly for most of the game- but in overtime, Tim threw an 80 yard pass that allowed the Broncos to win the game and continue their playoff run. Tim is a committed Christian. He has openly spoken about and sported the verse John 3:16 for years. Interestingly enough, he threw for 316 yards in Saturday's game. He set an NFL playoff record with 31.6 yards per completion and the Television ratings on CBS peaked between 8:00 and 8:15 with a rating of- you guessed it...31.6.
So what's this all about? Is it pure coincidence? Fate? Luck? Or God? Many of us have been talking about those options throughout the week and we'll talk about them Sunday morning- no matter what happens between the Broncos and the Patriots this Saturday night! There are some fascinating biblical lessons in every circumstance.
Speaking of Saturday night- remember that the new 50+ Primetime group meets here in the Great Room at 6:00. I hope you signed up for it, and will be with us as we find out how we can use the time and resources God has given us to make the most of this time of our lives.
I'll see you this weekend!
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